March 21, 2007

Gold <-> Indians

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Most of the Indians tend to invest in real estate, gold and stocks or mutual funds. If a family has a girl then they start buying gold ornaments for her right from the age of 7 months. For some reason weddings in India seem to be a display of jewels and silk sari. I feel that weddings are more like festivals in India. It is a time for celebration, feasts, happiness and bliss.

I have noticed one thing that people do, they buy gold and silver coins or biscuits. I feel that this is a better thing to do than buying jewels when the girl is 10 years old. This way when the girl grows up she can choose the type of ornament and the design she wants. Designs keep changing each day and what you bought last year has become "Old-fashion"! I found this website where you can
buy gold coins in the US. Now we don't have to leave our practices behind in India. The only thing is that you might not get "Mahalakshmi" or "Shiva" or "Ganesha" in the coin. Instead you can get the "American Eagles" or the "American buffalos" ;)

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