December 24, 2006
Boston and I are having fun
We went to Harvard square and then to a restaurant called Finale which is a Dessert Restaurant. It was soo yummy. We ordered the Pineapple upside down cake and the molten chocolate cake and they were so tasty and as I am writing mouth is watering.
If you go to Boston, make it a point to go to this place. It is usually crowded like crazy during weekends, so may be it is a good idea to make reservations!
We went for a Potluck today and it was a lot of fun. We were about 7 of us and we had real good good and great dessert (walnut and chocolate cake with pistachio ice cream)... I know for a fact that I am going to put on a lot of 'lbs'. I guess once I am back to FL, I will need start jogging everyday to loose the weight I am going to gain in the next 5 days!
December 5, 2006
November 27, 2006
Who says Money can't buy happiness??
I guess Master Card needs to change its ad now… "There is nothing that Money can’t buy, so get yourself a Master Card"?
To some people, money is very important. To a lot of them happiness and peace of mind are more important. Does happiness/peace of mind and money go hand-in-hand??
October 24, 2006
Look whoz using Google :)
Even the President of US seems to use it. Watch a video of him talking about Google!
I wonder who else is Googling???
October 15, 2006
Gatorade is not working for the Gators!
Are the gators winning because of Tim Tebau?
What is happening to Chris Leak? Yesterday in the last 3 mins, Leak caused the gat0rs a very expensive fumble...I think Leak has lost his confidence especially when the freshman (Tim) is simply unstoppable...
Hope they beat the Bulldogs on the 28th!!
October 6, 2006
What does it take to make it work??
I have always had this question in my mind..
What does it take to make a relationship work? But I have never found an answer. Be it a relationship between friends or couples.
Things always work out between parents and children (of course there are living exceptions to this) because parents are only looking for their children's happiness. They would do anything to make sure that their children are happy.. When parents do that, children tend to reciprocate the love and affection. Children respect their parents not because they get what they want but because they realize that parents want their happiness.
But with friends, it sometimes works out and sometimes doesn't. I think the main reason is that everyone of us is different. We have different thought processes, different frequencies, different perspectives.. In spite of all these differences, it works because you have your own breathing space.
When it comes to couples, a lot of the relationships have problems because it involves a Male and a Female. Men tend to change after getting into a relationship and women don't. Men are happy as long as things are smooth and women want things to happen at a decent pace especially when it comes to getting engaged. As long as it doesn't get to a point where one regrets being in a relationship, things go on.. There are always arguments and difference of opinions but ultimately when u love the other person a real lot, these things don't matter.
Isn’t it amazing that a single person deals with relationships very differently when playing different roles? I think Shakespeare was absolutely right about people and their roles in his work “All the world’s a stage” from the play As You Like It.
September 18, 2006
Why do men have simpler life??
Chocolate is just another snack.
You can wear a white T- shirt to a water park.
Wrinkles add character.
New shoes don't cut, blister, or mangle your feet.
One mood all the time.
A five-day vacation requires only one suitcase.
If someone forgets to invite you, he or she can still be your friend.
You can "do" your nails with a pocket knife.
You can do Christmas shopping for 25 relatives on December 24 in 25 minutes.
Are they good enough??
But hey, Women are the ones who never loose the spotlight!!! Women have the talent of multi-tasking.. Women are the fortunate ones to create life (and destroy).. Finally Women are the smarter ones!!!!!
September 8, 2006
Florida, The Sun shine State for YOU!!!
The birds have to use potholders to pull worms out of the ground.
The trees are whistling for the dogs.
The best parking place is determined by shade instead of distance.
Hot water now comes out of both taps.
You can make sun tea instantly.
You learn that a seat belt buckle makes a pretty good branding iron.
The temperature drops below 95 and you feel a little chilly.
You discover that in July it only takes 2 fingers to steer your car.
You discover that you can get sunburned through your car window.
You actually burn your hand opening the car door.
You break into a sweat the instant you step outside at 7:30 a.m.
Your biggest bicycle wreck fear is, "What if I get knocked out and end up lying on the pavement and cook to death?"
You realize that asphalt has a liquid state.
The potatoes cook underground, so all you have to do is pull one out and add butter, salt and pepper.
Farmers are feeding their chickens crushed ice to keep them from laying boiled eggs.
The cows are giving evaporated milk.
Ah, what a place to call home. . Inspite of all this.. Florida is still the best state in the US... The colorful beaches, the palm trees and the fact that there is no snow... Now you know why people love FL!
August 23, 2006
Back to School!
I got done with my internship on Monday, packed on tuesday and reached Gainesville last night...
I had a 8.00 AM class today... I devoted the whole morning after the class towards cleaning and arranging stuff. After all this I feel like a Zombieeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee. I guess it is going to take me a while before I settle down.
Lets see how this goes....
July 6, 2006
Movie mania
Watched this movie over the weekend… Hilarious!!!! I guess this is one of those movies which is very funny/good but not very famous.
The movie stars Queen Latifah and Jimmy Fallon. I would say that this is one of the funniest movies I have watched. Latifah is New York’s fastest cab driver whose dream is to become a NASCAR Racer. Fallon accidentally takes Latifah’s cab to chase four bank robbers. The movie is about how they both catch the robbers and all the funny things that happen in the process of doing so…
If you get a chance, do watch this movie..
I watched this movie a couple of days ago. I just couldn’t understand the plot. I had to go and read the plot on Wikipedia to actually assimilate what the main theme of the movie was.. After watching the movie, I thought that Matt Damon’s character was a waste. I really dint see any point for such a role in the movie.. WHAT IS THE CONNECTION???
Even if you are paid to watch this movie, DON’T!
Over the past 3 weeks, I have watched about 10 movies. I guess I am kind of getting addicted to watching a movie every alternate day.. Thanks to my coupons to Hollywood Videos, I dont spend too much on my little addiction!
June 6, 2006
Yet another Google product
I personally feel that Excel has a lot more features and people are used to using Excel. Will all of them shift to Google Spreadsheet??
The big question "Is it a freeware?" If yes, Google has a chance of out beating MS.
So what do you guys think about this??
May 25, 2006
Long weekend!!
Finally the long weekend is almost here. People at work are all talking about their plans for this weekend. People have been talking about their Memorial day Weekend plans for almost 2 weeks now...Why cant people take a day off and turn a usual weekend into a long weekend??
I guess I am either going to stay at home and catch up on lectures or go on a road trip... I am 99% sure that I am going to end up doing the latter!!
Let me know what your plans are! May be I might end up in the same place ;)
Most of you might have seen this video already. But I thought that I should write about it...
BBC had scheduled a live interview with Guy Kewney of Apple regarding the Apple Vs. Beatles lawsuit. But the interviewer ends up interviewing a guy named "Guy Goma" from Congo who is there for a job interview!!
It is a very funny video. A must watch!!!! I guess Goma did a real good job. If I were in his place, I am sure I would have freaked out... He answered the questions boldly even though he didn't know what he was talking. Listen to what he has to say very closely about the Internet.. But on the whole I think Goma did a good job of helping the show go on...
May 20, 2006
It is high time I posted here!!
Finally I have my access to the WORLD (Internet)!! Work has kept me occupied.. I work from 9.00 Am to 6.00 Pm and my supervisor makes sure that I am at work until 6.00 Pm.. Nothing to crib about... I am better off than a lot of them.. Atleast I don't have to carry work home.
I followed the elections in Tamil Nadu and looks like DMK is back to power. Hopefully they will take 90% for themselves and give at least 10% back to the people of Tamil Nadu!!
Another interesting news is about Lok Paritran.. I just can't believe that they have already split. What a way to start. I think they made a big mistake of contesting at 7 places. Instead they should have stood at one place and concentrated on getting that one seat. According to be they are a bunch of learned idiots. Sorry to say this but after I read the news about their split and ego clashes in about 6months, what else can I call them?
May 7, 2006
Managed to survive
I am officially done with the Spring semester tomorrow!! I also managed to get a Summer Internship. Thanks a lot for all your wishes and encouragement during the SEARCH!
Cant believe that I have completed one year of my Master's..
The last week of a semester is always unimaginably hectic.. There are assignments, project submissions, presentations and exams... All this makes you feel like u wanna run away from school.. But I guess people somehow manage and pull it through..
At the end of each semester, I generally have the same thought.. Man this semester was the toughest.. But I know for a fact that I would say the same thing in six months again ;)
May 2, 2006
Jobs to look out for!!!
Thought it might be useful to people who are looking for jobs... also might give people who are working in one of these companies a good feel about working there!!!
April 19, 2006
Finally... Before I forget how to blog!
The past two weeks have been unimaginably hectic.. Assignments, presentations, projects as well as exams.. I am just waiting for this semester to end..
Too much of work makes you feel like u just wanna quit.. But I guess grad school is not about getting a 4.0 GPA.. it is more about hanging on with all the amount of work being thrown at you, being independent and most importantly "time management"... Most of us (Indians) lack the time management skills.. We tend to do things is the last minute and feel that things cannot be more tough on us.. I definitely fall into this category.. I hope that at least from the next semester onwards I will not procrastinate things!!
Lets wait and see ;)
I got my Driver's license last week.. After infinite times of postponement and laziness I finally made it to the DMV and got it.. I am actually happy that I don’t have to go to that stupid place for another time, at least until my license expires!!
March 31, 2006
Last two weeks have been very hectic with back to back exams and assignments! Finally everything is done..
Today is a very special day for my family! It is my dad's b'day... More than that it is a very special b'day... I am dedicating my blog (not a big b'day gift) to him.
He has been my best friend, philosopher and guide. My dad and myself have never been like father and daughter.. We have been like great pals. He has taught me so much in life. Without my parents' blessing and goodwill, I will not be who I am today.
I have seen a lot of my friend's parents and seen how they are with their children. Most of them have this imaginary screen between themselves and their children. But my parents have always been very transparent and so friendly with my sister and myself that we always considered and will consider our parents to be our best pals.
May be the fact that they are so good to us and always put our happiness before theirs has been the reason for us to love our parents so much and always want us to be together...
I started missing my parents the day I landed in the
To my dad:
Dad you are the best human being I have seen all my life. You have always been a wonderful brother to your siblings, a great husband to mom and an amazing father.
I pray to God to give you happiness and health for all the years to come. I also pray to God that in all my next births, I should have the same parents and the same wonderful sister. Without the three of you I wouldn't even know what happiness means.
Thanks a lot for everything dad. I know that I can't repay you. But I know that I can always love you!
March 14, 2006
Google can be fun too!!
I thought to myself that people must be mad to waste their life just to be a part of something big and fast growing! It appeared to me that Google hires people who are nerds and who don't know what leisure means...
After looking at these pictures, I guess I am completely wrong.. People work at Google at the same time they reap their benefits.. They have a very relaxed working atmosphere...
Great salary, amazing stock options ($$$$), secure jobs (Hopefully), a lot of freebies, good competition and a lot of fun… What more can one ask for?
March 3, 2006
Random thoughts
Got my assignment grades.. Nothing to crib out (Thats good news!)
I finally got an assistantship at UFL.. I was initially on a departmental scholarship so only my tution was paid and din't get any monthly pay cheques...
Now my tuition is paid and so are my monthly expenses... I am so relieved.
February 28, 2006
A few Interesting One-Liners!
- Regular naps prevent old age... especially if you take them while driving.
- Take my advice... I don't use it anyway
- Men are like Government Bonds, they take a long time to mature
- Marriage is a relationship in which one person is always right and the other is the husband!
- Forgiveness is giving up my right to hate you for hurting me.
February 24, 2006
Are we missing out on something??
February 17, 2006
A day in grad school !
8.00 AM: Alarm rings, look at the clock and decide you will get up after 1 hour and make it a point to switch off the alarm!
11.30 AM: Wake up and realize it is almost noon and you have a class at 12.20. Have a half-bath wishing you could sleep for 2 more hours and cursing yourself.
Noon: Catch the bus and start chatting with fellow desies. Discussions range from cricket to revolutionize the American Government
12.18 PM: Enter the class along with the professor
1.20 PM: Wake up after a very strong dosage of “λγβδφ”. You had no clue as to what the professor was talking about coz you didn’t attend the previous lecture (Had other important work to do – was in the middle of an interesting chat conversation with friends in India)
1.30 PM: Go to the lab and start browsing the Internet. By luck you land up on the course website and find out that you have an assignment due that night (some 10 problems). Very confident that you can finish it on time, you carry on with other stuff…
1.40 PM: Log on to Yahoo / MSN Messenger and wait for friends to come online.
2.15 PM: Your friends have logged off and you have nothing to do.
2.30 PM: Grab something to eat in Subway/ TacoBell (Too lazy to cook or carry food from home)
2.45 PM: Go to work and speak to your supervisor about something that you should have completed a week back… Tell him you had some technical difficulties and troubleshooting which had to be handled.
3.00 PM: Sit in your cubicle and stare at the computer screen wondering what to do. Then remember that your parents had sent you a mail two days back and you still hadn’t replied. After sending mails start working!!
6.15 PM: Go home. On the way home, talk to some 3 people on phone and tell them how busy you are ;)
6.30 PM: Start off promising yourself that you will watch TV for only 30mins. End up watching TV for 2 hours.
8.30 PM: Realize it is your cooking turn and cook some random dish (Poor roommates)
9.30 PM: Finish dinner and suddenly remember that an assignment is due that night!!
11.00 PM: You are stuck with a problem. Call up Tanya and ask her if she knows how to do it.. She is in no better position than you. Crib to her for 10 min about how difficult this course is and how the professor is not considerate at all and gives assignments every week.
11.15 PM: Call up Vikram (a total stud and would have already submitted the assignment for sure). He tells you what you have to do (use β reduction instead of δ)
11.50 PM: You are finally done with the assignment and submit it. Sigh!!
12.00 AM: Your friend comes home and asks you if you want to watch a movie… You have nothing to do anyways!!
2.30 AM: Get back home after watching a totally stupid movie… You promise yourself that you are going to become disciplined and will start getting up at 7.00 AM everyday and will not procrastinate things anymore.
Next day you completely forget the promise!!
February 10, 2006
Didn't believe it until today!
I had an interview with Microsoft and guess what? I got a desi interviewer! That (#$%^&) guy was trying to contradict me in everything I said. I guess his sole aim was to make me feel like I know nothing and he was Bill Gates's guide! I wanted to give him a piece of my mind as soon as the interview got over but then thought that I would be creating a scene. But I am going to write a very strong mail to Microsoft about what happened today.
I was surprised when the interviewer started of by saying that the position I had applied for was not defined right in the website and that I should think about it.. Then he goes directly to the questioning sessions! No warming up whatsoever.
He was very impatient and was trying to hurry me up! I guess he forgot the meaning of the word friendliness and smile. Then he asked me some design questions. To most of my answers he said that it is not going to work out... The question was about designing an elevator...
May be I shouldn't expect the interviewers to know how to smile and be friendly!
I guess today has by far been one of the worst days of my life for more than one reason :(
February 2, 2006
Fresh from the farm
This poor man's "Whole Foods" has amazing variety when it comes to vegetables and fruits and has a well stocked collection of lentils,wine,juices from all parts of the world.Infact they even have a really good collection of our own Indian pulses.
And the price? Much cheaper than Albertsons and Winn-Dixie and even Wal-Mart!! I got a 5 lb atta bag from the Indian Store for $4.50 two weeks ago.The same atta (fresh and better quality) just costs $3 at Wards!
It is just an amazing place to shop at especially if you are a graduate student since its price and quality is hard to beat! Although from the outside it doesnt look very impressive, its definitely the place to do your groceries here in Gainesville!!
January 27, 2006
We have this awesome concept of having fun on Friday Nights. We hardly spend anything and guess what we get some free stuff too!! GatorNights are Friday nights when there is a movie and other shows happening at UFL.. At 12.00 AM free breakfast is served. What more can a graduate student ask for?
I saw the movie Paramasivam starring Ajith, Laila, Prakash Raj and others. Oh My GOD, Big Mistake!! I couldn’t see even one logical scene. It was totally absurd. How could somebody direct a movie like this? To top it all this movie was said to be the comeback film for Ajith.. I wouldn’t even call it a movie. It was 2 hours of nonsense.
January 20, 2006
Brewing money - Starbucks!
Starbucks is the largest Coffee chain in the US. I should say they have proved as to how something started small can become a Big Hit! Every major city / Univesity town has atleast one Starbucks.. All the airports have one.
I guess one of the criteria for opening a mall in the US, is that there should be atleast one Starbucks Store!!
This article is a cover story about Starbucks..
Let me share my views of the success of Starbucks..
A cup of coffee (12 Oz.) prepared at home will cost at the most 80 cents [commercially].. For the same, at Starbucks we pay $2.99... No wonder why they are making profits ($$$$)
January 17, 2006
Wasted 2 hours!!
My advice: "Don't watch this movie... Please"
January 9, 2006
Indian society
Reservation System for education is totally unfair. People dont get what they actually deserve. Because of this the quality of education as well as the output from industries seem to go down.
How did a few of us feel when we lost the opportunity to get into a good engineering college because of the existing education system (based on caste) in Tamil Nadu inspite of having good grades?Didn’t we think it was unfair? Didn’t we want equality? Then how come we accept this system?
I really hope to get answers to these questions sometime in the future. I would really like to see the day when the whole caste system is abolished and everything is based on merit and personal achievements and all of us are considered as fellow humans.
January 4, 2006
Journey from Aggieland to Gatorland
I should say that the transition from being an aggie to a gator has been pretty quick!
I am finally settled down at Gatorland.

University of Florida is an amazing place. The school is accessible from anywhere in Gainesville.
There are amazing shuttle services which run every 10 mins!
I really like this place. I guess this is one decision which I will never regret.
Already I have made quite a few friends here. And guess what, I am staying in a townhouse apartment!! It is soo cool. I am all excited about my new chapter at Gainesville.