April 26, 2008

Sleep, The

I thought I should stop making a fool of myself especially after my previous post.. But just couldn’t resist

Here is my lame attempt at poetry!! (Have a nice laugh)

The Sleep

The night so dark and scary
I wished I could see a fairy
To make all my dreams come true
Little did I know I didn’t have a clue

I was singing and dancing
Everybody around me was laughing
Suddenly I heard a monstrous thunder
And thought someone had committed a blunder

I got scared and woke up
In sweat I was soaked up
I searched for the noise that made me weep
And found my dad snoring in his sleep


aandthirtyeights said...

finally, poetry in blogosphere that rhymes!

Swetha said...

I know.. I made a big fool of myself.. But hey wats the fun if I chicken out ;)