October 23, 2005

Men change and Women don't

I guess the problem in most of the relationships is that men tend to change and expect the women folks to understand that whereas women expect things to remain the same..

Who is wrong??

Women who are generally emotional take things to heart and men who are mostly non-senti keep wondering why the hell do females keep complaining that men aren’t empathetic.

What men don't understand is that every woman wants a shoulder to lean on and a hand to pat on their back. They want someone to tell them that things are going to be fine and that they are not alone.. Women tend to feel insecure most of the times and they expect their men to keep reassuring them that they are never going to be alone.

If only men understand this and women try to be not so emotionally attached, most of the relationships would work out!!!

By the way, this is just my view based on my limited understanding of men and women ;)


narayanan said...

Thats the way guys and girls are brought up. Somehow I feel girls are overfed with emo stuff right from childhood.

Have you met a girl who is more emo than you, then you might understand how a guy might feel, how he's put in the similar situation.

This probably would'nt change unless the present generation of parents do something about it.


PS: jus happened to blog hop here from Sid's

Swetha said...


What u are saying is true.. But I still think that guys don't have to be like logs..
That is just my opinion

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