October 16, 2005

55 words story

Could all this be true? he asked himself. It wasn’t long since he fell in love with this girl who was his direct opposite. She also liked him. She told him that both of them will have to make compromises. He agreed. Then came the day when they got married and soon realized that she was a dictator :)

I wrote this story coz I was tagged by my wonderful friend!

Hey Sid, here is my 55 rather 58 words story and guess what, I am tagging you back!!
I am sure u just love it ;)


Sidharth said...

Looks like the spam bots like your blog a lot :)

btw,nice story....but 55 words means 55 words.Not 60!! ;)

Sheks said...

another spam commment.

wat do u mean b y dictator??one who dictates words to kindergarten kids?

Swetha said...


Dictator is some one who tells what has to be done and not listen to others' opinion