October 27, 2005
I guess we over prayed for rains!!
Flood scene in B'lore
Bangalore is flooded.. People are stuck in their offices and homes.
Heard that it has been raining like crazy in Chennai..
What is happening???
Trichy, Srirangam and other southern parts of Tamil Nadu are flooded. Heard that there is upto 4 feet of water at certain places!!
Last year people were cursing the Rain God for there was scarcity of water in Chennai.. I am sure they are now cursing Him again.
October 23, 2005
Curry and Rice Girl
It is all about how guys and their parents look out for gals in the matrimonial web sites..
It is funny!!
Men change and Women don't
I guess the problem in most of the relationships is that men tend to change and expect the women folks to understand that whereas women expect things to remain the same..
Who is wrong??
Women who are generally emotional take things to heart and men who are mostly non-senti keep wondering why the hell do females keep complaining that men aren’t empathetic.
What men don't understand is that every woman wants a shoulder to lean on and a hand to pat on their back. They want someone to tell them that things are going to be fine and that they are not alone.. Women tend to feel insecure most of the times and they expect their men to keep reassuring them that they are never going to be alone.
If only men understand this and women try to be not so emotionally attached, most of the relationships would work out!!!
By the way, this is just my view based on my limited understanding of men and women ;)
October 16, 2005
55 words story
Could all this be true? he asked himself. It wasn’t long since he fell in love with this girl who was his direct opposite. She also liked him. She told him that both of them will have to make compromises. He agreed. Then came the day when they got married and soon realized that she was a dictator :)
I wrote this story coz I was tagged by my wonderful friend!Hey Sid, here is my 55 rather 58 words story and guess what, I am tagging you back!!
I am sure u just love it ;)
October 7, 2005
How NOT to work on the Server!!
I had to fix up some stuff related to the Retrospect Software (Used for backup) at Work.
I remotely logged on to one of the servers and I was trying to fix things up.
I then enabled the firewall and forgot to set the exceptions. This disabled remote connections to that server!!
I thought that it would be easy to set it right.
But I found out that the server doesn't have a monitor or a keyboard connected to it.
It is not too much of a task to connect the monitor/keyboard. But it is very adventurous and thrilling if you have to climb up a book shelf, get on to the loft to connect the monitor and keyboard to the processor, sit on the edge of the rack and disable the firewall!! That's exactly what I did yesterday..
That is me on top of the rack, my friend Michelle holding the Monitor and to my left on the Loft is the Server!!!