This past whole week has been full of discoveries..
- Found out that my dearest friend is getting engaged this summer. Congratulations!
- I registered for Jazzercise and realized that I could have immense fun while exercising. - Hurray ;)
- A close friend and neighbor of mine is a radio jockey at a local desi radio station in Cincinnati.
- A friend's friend is dating someone and shared it with me and also asked me not to tell my friend :)
- I learnt what relationships are all about.. They are about 3 As : Acceptance, Adjustment and Adoration.
- I am not very patient (oops have known it all my life) - hehe
- And that I am the long lost Princess of the land of fortune - Now that's a wish :)
Now all this made me think as to how many things surprise us (happy and sad) every week and how much we learn.. Ever wondered why certain weeks are boring while certain others are a lot of fun? Imagine a week where u do not find anything fascinating or interestingly new.. Imagine a second week like that.. I would feel bored to death! Life is all about learning...Now I am getting philosophical..
Anyways, I did learn something very interesting about relationships from a friend. He told me that it is not about finding the right person, it is about feeling right with that one person.. So far I have never felt right and confident about being with a person in my life.. I have always had the fear of commitment and I never knew what it was about me that made me run away from things I wanted.. I was discussing this with my parents and my mom told me that I am scared to make a commitment.. This got me thinking.. Am I really terrified about loosing my freedom? I guess not.. I know that in relationships, one will loose his/her space to a certain extent.. Then what was it? I racked my brains for more than a day and finally I think I found the answer.. It is about feeling right and the 3 A's. Will I be able to accept, adjust and adore the other person with all my heart? Will I ever feel so right and confident? I guess lIFe is all about the "If" and"?".