There was panic everywhere in the southern region of Texas. It was predicted that Rita was going to hit Houston on Friday (Sep 23rd) night.
The whole city of Houston which is the third populoust city in the US, was asked to evacuate.
There was traffic everywhere and a lot of cars ran out of gas.
The airport was flooded with people and everyone wanted to get the hell out of Houston.
Normally it takes about 2 and half hours to get to Austin from Houston. People drove for 11 hours and still they dint get to Austin!!
Due to the mad rush of vehicles getting out of Houston, cars were moving at less than a mile an hour. It took 12 hours to travel some 40 miles.
My school which is College Station, 90 miles from Houston was closed on Friday!!! I enjoyed coz i had one extra day off. But finally what happened, there wasn't even a storm. In College Station we din't even have any strong winds. People here were so panicked and started buying stuff that Sam's Club and Wal-Mart ran out of water!!
Probably there was so much tension because it hasn't been too long since Katrina destroyed the entire city of New Orleans.
What is happening to this world? Natural disasters evrywhere!!