March 3, 2006

Random thoughts

This week has been a pretty good week.

Got my assignment grades.. Nothing to crib out (Thats good news!)

I finally got an assistantship at UFL.. I was initially on a departmental scholarship so only my tution was paid and din't get any monthly pay cheques...

Now my tuition is paid and so are my monthly expenses... I am so relieved.


Can't wait for the Spring break next week. I guess I will staying in Gainesville, quite a few projects to complete.. Not exactly a break.. It is going to be more like a relaxed week. No work/classes just assignments and mid-term preparations :(


Last week we had the Student President Elections. I was kind of amazed at all the canvasing they did. The candidates were out talking to a lot of the students and asking for votes. Around 10,000 people had voted out of the 40,000 students. That is a pretty decent turnout!


Kay said...

Though had assignments, projects school was fun :) Miss those spring break's...
Ensoy ur break :)

Sheks said...

gainesville???is this a french city??

10000 people voting! my college it's case of only class-representatives voting for the Presidential candidate.

Sidharth said...

Spring Break for Graduate Students are usually only for catching up on sleep and getting ready for more assignments and exams...So haffun!! :)

guyfromblore said...

congrats on getting the assistantship! im sure thats a big relief!

Swetha said...


I wonder if you thought the same of Spring Break 3 years back!!

Elections are a big thing here.. they spend a lot of time and take it pretty seriously!


Soopah Pissed:
Thank you.. And I understand tamil really well!