December 25, 2007

Tamilzh Pasanga (Tamil Boys)

Thanks to my friend who shared this video with moi!

December 8, 2007

No longer a Virgin

I lost my Snow Virginity last Wednesday! We had 1-3" snow around the Cincy area. When I woke up in the morning, it was all white and beautiful. I sat down near my French window sipping a cup of hot coffee and admiring the beauty of whiteness!

(Apologies for the picture - too cold to go outside to take the pic)

Then came the time when I had to drive to work.. I walked outside and my car was covered in 2" of snow. I started the tedious job of clearing snow, surprisingly it was not half as bad as I thought it would be! The only stupid thing I did was initially when I was pushing snow off my car roof, I stood too close to the car and had a nice snow shower :)